
// @ts-check

import { Controller } from "./Controller";
import { Storable } from "./Storable";

 * Represents a Virt-A-Mate atom

export class Atom {
    * The name of this atom
    * @returns {string}
   get name() { return ""; }

    * The type of this atom
    * @returns {string}
   get type() { return ""; }

    * Whether the atom is on or off

    * Returns the list of all storable IDs
    * @returns {string[]}
   getStorableIds() { return []; }

    * Returns a storable (e.g. a plugin or a native atom component)
    * @param {string} name - The storable name (for plugins, "plugin#0_YourPluginName")
    * @returns {Storable}
   getStorable(name) { return new Storable(); }

    * Returns a free controller (the node you can select and move around in 3D)
    * @param {string} name - The controller name (e.g. "control" or "headControl")
    * @returns {Controller}
   getController(name) { return new Controller(); }